This song has appeared 8 times in the countdown since it first appeared in 2017 at number 607.
This year it came in at number 1116.
Last year it came in at number 631.
The lowest place it has had was at number 1116 in 2024.
The highest place it has had was at number 474 in 2018.

This artist has had 5 of their songs appear in the countdown since they first appeared in 2014 at number 764 with THIS MEANS WAR.
So far this year they have had 5 songs in the countdown.
Last year they had 5 songs in the countdown.
The lowest place they have had was at number 1955 in 2021 with SO FAR AWAY.
The highest place they have had was at number 474 in 2016 with HAIL TO THE KING.

This album has had 3 of its songs appear in the countdown since it first appeared in 2014 at number 764 with THIS MEANS WAR.
So far this year it has had 3 songs in the countdown.
Last year it had 3 songs in the countdown.